Workplace and Organizational Health Management
Would you like to increase the productivity of your enterprise and the job satisfaction and performance of your workforce? Would you like to reduce the absenteeism and fluctuation among your staff due to sickness and other reasons?
Or would you simply like to have a healthy and profitable organization?
As a certified workplace health manager I offer you a full range of services:
- Joint definition of goals for your workplace and organizational health management
- Analysis and diagnosis using methods tailored to fit your organization
- Qualified assessment of the analyses
- Joint development of the health-promoting measures that are suitable for your organization
- Support for the planning and implementation of the measures, where appropriate with my co-operation partners
- A final evaluation of the process and measures instituted: what return do you get on the costs invested in workplace and organizational health? What should be included in the next OHM cycle, what needs to be expanded upon, what needs to be added?
WHM consultancy oriented towards your key operating figures
You have your eye on your company’s financial goals, while mine is on the health of your employees. Together we can develop a health architecture for your enterprise that enhances both productivity and quality.
To achieve your goals we will always work through the following process:
Examination and assessment
of existing data,
Description of the current situation
Establishment of the
figures relevant
for management
Goal definition
Selection of the
appropriate tools of analysis
and evaluation
of the measures
and implementation
of measures
Comparison of actual and target performance,
Calculation of the ROI
Readjustment if necessary
Determination of
Evaluation of the measures,
Comparison with the defined
operating figures
Integration in organizational structures and processes