About me
Professional career
- Since 1993: graduated psychologist (Diplom-Psychologin), academic degree received from Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich
- 1990: 1-year internship in child and adolescent psychiatry in Brooklyn/New York
- 1995 to today: 20 years‘ experience as a trainer in "Leadership, Communication and Health" in many firms in various branches
- 1999/2000: 2-year permanent position in a business consultancy firm, responsible for 60 employees: personnel hiring and human resource development
- 2005 to today: 10 years‘ experience in coaching: executive development and health coaching
- Since 2015 certified Workplace Health Manager, University of Bielefeld

Further training
- 1997 One-year training course in group dynamics at tops-eV Berlin
- 2003 NLP Practitioner Metaforum/Bernd Isert
- 2004 Constellations Insa Sparrer/Matthias Varga von Kibed "Systemic Structural Constellations"
- 2004 Post-graduate Course on "Continuing Training Management" at the TU Berlin, Prof. Klaus Döhring
- 2005 "Systemic Coach" Metaforum/Bernd Isert
- 2009 Trainer for Coping with Stress (IEK: Institut für Entspannungstechniken und Kommunikation)
- 2010 Seminar leader for Progressive Muscle Relaxation (IEK)
- 2014 Completion of post-graduate studies in Workplace Health Management at the University of Bielefeld

Private Life
1964 Born in Washington D.C., USA
Lived in: Hamburg, Munich and New York, for the last 18 years in Berlin
Work-life balance and health are central for me. When I am not working I do music and sports: western guitar, choir singing, yoga (B.K.B. Iyengar) and wave surfing.