About me

Professional career

Lisette Kühne Diplompsychologin Lisette Kühne Gesundheitscoaching Lisette Kühne Führungskräfteentwicklung Lisette Kühne Gesundheitsmanagerin

Further training

Lisette Kühne Systemischer Coach Lisette Kühne Trainerin für Stressbewältigung Lisette Kühne Progressive Muskelrelaxation Lisette Kühne Studium betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement

Private Life

1964 Born in Washington D.C., USA

Lived in: Hamburg, Munich and New York, for the last 18 years in Berlin

Work-life balance and health are central for me. When I am not working I do music and sports: western guitar, choir singing, yoga (B.K.B. Iyengar) and wave surfing.